Venus Fly Trap 'Kakariki' Dionaea muscipula - Tissue Culture Cup
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1-3 Plants in a Tissue Culture Cup
Botanical Name:
Dionaea muscipula ' Kakariki'
Visual Description:
The Venus Fly Trap Dionaea muscipula 'Kakariki' is an eye-catching variety with a vibrant, lime-green coloration throughout its traps and leaves. This variety stands out for its uniform green appearance, without the usual red pigment found in most Venus Fly Traps. The traps have long, delicate cilia that resemble fine combs, giving them an elegant yet predatory look when open. In its tissue culture phase, 'Vc Kakariki' is compact and displays a tidy rosette of vibrant green traps, making it a stunning addition to any carnivorous plant collection.
1-3 young plants (1-2cm in size) in early growth stagesKey Features:
Carnivorous Function: Like all Venus Fly Traps, 'Kakariki' captures and digests insects through its specialized traps. The traps close quickly once the inner trigger hairs are touched, securing the prey and allowing the plant to absorb the nutrients.
Bright Green Appearance: Unlike other Venus Fly Trap varieties, 'Kakariki' maintains a uniform bright green color, giving it a fresh, tropical look. This makes it a perfect choice for collectors looking for a unique and striking fly trap.
Easy-to-Grow Variety: 'Kakariki' is a resilient and adaptable plant, making it suitable for both beginners and seasoned carnivorous plant enthusiasts.
Growing Conditions:
Light: Full sun is recommended to maintain its vivid green color and encourage robust growth. Ensure it gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day for best results.
Water: Keep the substrate moist but never waterlogged, using only rainwater, distilled water, or reverse osmosis water. Mineral-rich water should be avoided to prevent damage to the plant.
Temperature: Thrives in temperatures between 15-30°C. A cooler dormancy period during the winter (5-10°C) is required for long-term health.
Humidity: Prefers moderate to high humidity levels (50-70%) but can adapt to slightly lower humidity once established.
Tissue Culture Care and Hardening:
When you receive your Dionaea muscipula 'Kakariki' in its tissue culture cup, follow these steps to properly acclimate the plant to its new environment:
Gradual Humidity Reduction: Start by placing the plant in a covered container or terrarium to maintain high humidity. Over the course of 1-2 weeks, gradually increase ventilation by slightly opening the container more each day to reduce humidity levels.
Shaded Placement: Initially, place the plant in a shaded area with indirect light to prevent shock. Gradually introduce it to direct sunlight over several days to prevent sunburn.
Maintain Moisture: Ensure the substrate remains consistently moist using rainwater or distilled water. Avoid letting the plant sit in standing water but ensure it never dries out.
Stable Temperature: Maintain a stable temperature between 20-25°C during the hardening process, and avoid sudden temperature changes that could stress the plant.
Monitoring: Keep an eye on the plant for any signs of stress, such as wilting or browning traps, and adjust humidity, light, and water as needed.
After the hardening process, your Venus Fly Trap 'Vc Kakariki' will be ready to thrive in its new environment. With its bold green traps and efficient insect-catching capabilities, this stunning variety will add a vibrant touch to any carnivorous plant collection.