Rotala wallichii - 5cm Net Pot
Tiny, round, pink leaves cluster along its stems, creating a dense, delicate carpet ideal for the foreground.
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Contents: One 5cm net pot of Rotala wallichii 'Whorly Rotala'
Dimensions: 5cm diameter net pot
General Description
Common Name(s): Whorly Rotala
Scientific Name: Rotala wallichii
Visual Description: Delicate and fine-textured plant with slender, pinkish-red stems and densely whorled, needle-like leaves. Under strong lighting, the tips of the stems can develop intense pink to red hues, adding a dramatic effect to any aquascape.
Growing Conditions
Light Requirements: High; requires intense lighting to develop its full color potential.
Water Requirements: Prefers soft, slightly acidic freshwater, but adaptable within reasonable ranges of pH and hardness.
Temperature Range: 22°C to 28°C
Humidity Preferences: Fully submerged conditions
Planting & Care
Substrate Preferences: Does not require a nutrient-rich substrate as it absorbs nutrients primarily through the water column.
Fertilization Needs: High; responsive to CO2 supplementation and regular dosing of liquid fertilizers, particularly those rich in iron and micronutrients.
Propagation Methods: Propagates easily by cutting the top of the plant and replanting the stem in the substrate.
Pruning/Tidying Up: Frequent pruning is recommended to maintain density and encourage bushier growth.
Aquarium Placement: Best used in the mid-ground to background, where its colors and height can create depth and contrast.
Attachment: Not applicable
Spacing Requirements: Plant stems closely together in small groups to enhance the visual impact of their delicate foliage and coloration.
Aquarium Compatibility: Excellent for community tanks with non-herbivorous fish and other plant-friendly species.
Pest/Disease Resistance: While generally robust, it can be susceptible to algae if nutrient levels and lighting are not well balanced.
Special Requirements or Tips
Special Care Instructions: Careful attention to lighting and nutrient levels is crucial to maintain the plant's health and vibrant colors.
Seasonal Care: Stable water conditions are essential year-round, with adjustments to lighting intensity as needed based on seasonal changes in natural light.
Ecological Impact
Invasiveness: Non-invasive when confined to aquarium settings.
Benefit to Wildlife: Provides shelter and spawning grounds for small aquatic creatures, enhancing biodiversity within the tank.