Pilea cadieri - Aluminium - Bunched Plants

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$7.50 $25.00 70% Off

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Pilea cadierei, commonly known as the Aluminium Plant, showcases striking silver streaks across its fleshy, dark green leaves, giving the foliage a metallic, reflective quality. The leaves are elliptical, with a slightly textured surface and well-defined veins. When submerged in an aquarium, the silvery patterns shimmer under bright light, creating an eye-catching feature. Its compact growth habit makes it an excellent midground or foreground plant for aquascapes, where it adds texture and contrast.

Water Parameters for Pilea cadierei - Aluminium Plant

  • Temperature: 20°C to 28°C
  • pH: 6.0 to 7.5
  • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (2-15 dGH)
  • Lighting: Moderate to high lighting for optimal growth and to enhance the silvery patterns on the leaves.
  • CO2: Optional but can improve growth in submerged conditions.
  • Substrate: Rich in nutrients, with supplementation such as root tabs if grown submerged.

This versatile plant thrives in soft, tropical conditions. Keep with gentle, smaller community fish to avoid damage to its delicate leaves.

Pilea cadieri - Aluminium - Bunched Plants

$7.50 $25.00 70% Off