How to Culture Micro Worms
July 16, 2024

How to Culture Micro Worms

Keeping micro worms (Panagrellus redivivus) alive is relatively straightforward, as they are hardy and require minimal maintenance.  Here’s how to set up and maintain a thriving micro worm culture:

Setting Up the Culture

  1. Container: Use a shallow plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. Make small ventilation holes in the lid to allow airflow and prevent the buildup of gases.
  2. Substrate: Prepare a mixture of oatmeal or instant potato flakes with water to create a moist, but not too wet, substrate. The consistency should be like thick porridge.

Starting the Culture

  1. Starter Culture: Obtain a starter culture of micro worms from a reputable source.
  2. Introduce Worms: Spread the starter culture evenly over the prepared substrate in the container.


  1. Temperature: Maintain a temperature range between 20-25°C (68-77°F). Micro worms can tolerate a range of temperatures but thrive best in this range.
  2. Humidity: Ensure the substrate remains consistently moist. If it dries out, the worms can die.

Feeding and Maintenance

  1. Feeding: The substrate itself serves as the food source for the micro worms. Ensure it remains moist and replace it when it becomes exhausted or mouldy.
  2. Moisture: Keep the culture moist by adding a little dechlorinated water if it starts to dry out.
  3. Cleaning: Periodically check the culture for mould or spoilage. If mould appears, start a new culture with fresh substrate and some of the old culture as an inoculant.


  1. Collection: To harvest micro worms, use a clean brush, a piece of plastic, or a small spatula to gently scrape them off the surface of the substrate.
  2. Feeding: Feed the harvested worms directly to your fish fry or small aquatic organisms. You can use a pipette or a small spoon to transfer them.


  1. Mould: If mould appears, remove the affected area immediately. If the mould is widespread, start a new culture with fresh substrate.
  2. Contamination: Keep the culture container clean and avoid overfeeding to prevent contamination.

Tips for a Healthy Culture

  1. Regular Renewal: Start a new culture every few weeks to ensure you always have a healthy supply of micro worms. This helps prevent the culture from becoming too acidic or depleted of nutrients.
  2. Multiple Cultures: Maintain multiple cultures to ensure you always have a backup in case one fails.
  3. Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation by making small holes in the lid. This prevents the buildup of harmful gases.

By following these steps, you can maintain a healthy and productive culture of micro worms, providing a continuous source of live food for your fish fry.


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