How to Culture Banana Worms (Panagrellus nepenthicola)
July 16, 2024

How to Culture Banana Worms (Panagrellus nepenthicola)

Banana worms (Panagrellus nepenthicola) are a type of microworm that is easy to culture and makes excellent live food for small fish fry.  Here’s how to keep them alive and thriving:

Setting Up the Culture

  1. Container: Use a shallow plastic container with a lid. Make small ventilation holes in the lid to allow airflow but prevent pests from entering.
  2. Substrate: Prepare a substrate using mashed bananas mixed with oatmeal or instant potato flakes. The mixture should be moist but not too wet. A typical ratio is one mashed banana to 1-2 tablespoons of oatmeal or potato flakes.

Starting the Culture

  1. Starter Culture: Obtain a starter culture of banana worms from a reputable source.
  2. Introduce Worms: Add the starter culture to the prepared substrate in the container. Spread the worms evenly across the surface.


  1. Temperature: Maintain a temperature range between 20-25°C (68-77°F). Banana worms thrive in warm, humid conditions.
  2. Humidity: Ensure the culture remains humid. If it dries out, the worms will die.

Feeding and Maintenance

  1. Feeding: The substrate (banana and oatmeal/potato mixture) serves as both food and habitat for the worms. Ensure it remains moist and replace it when it becomes exhausted or mouldy.
  2. Moisture: Keep the culture moist by adding a little dechlorinated water if it starts to dry out.
  3. Cleaning: Periodically check the culture for mould or spoilage. If mould appears, start a new culture with fresh substrate and some of the old culture as an inoculant.


  1. Collection: To harvest banana worms, use a clean brush or a piece of plastic to gently scrape them off the surface of the substrate.
  2. Feeding: Feed the harvested worms directly to your fish fry or small aquatic organisms. You can use a pipette or a small spoon to transfer them.


  1. Mould: If mould appears, remove the affected area immediately. If the mould is widespread, start a new culture with fresh substrate.
  2. Contamination: Keep the culture container clean and avoid overfeeding to prevent contamination.

Tips for a Healthy Culture

  1. Regular Renewal: Start a new culture every few weeks to ensure you always have a healthy supply of banana worms. This helps prevent the culture from becoming too acidic or depleted of nutrients.
  2. Multiple Cultures: Maintain multiple cultures to ensure you always have a backup in case one fails.
  3. Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation by making small holes in the lid. This prevents the buildup of harmful gases.

By following these steps, you can maintain a healthy and productive culture of banana worms, providing a continuous source of live food for your fish fry.


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